martes, 12 de mayo de 2020

12 de mayo de 2020

Buenos días! Empezamos este nuevo día trabajando sociales, naturales y lengua.


Buenos días. Vamos a comprobar si ayer hicimos correctamente nuestras tareas.

Ahora aprendemos el verbo.

Copio apuntes y hago los dos ejercicios

Y para finalizar hago en snappet lo correspondiente a lo que hemos visto hoy del verbo.


We have seen the different rocks we can classify. Let me remind you there can be Sedimentary rocks, formed by sediments; Igneous rocks, formed by the magma; and Metamorphic rocks, originally sedimentary or igneous rocks transformed by heat and pressure. 

1. Say which type of rock these are (sedimentary, Igneous or Metamorphic:
(TIP!: You can get help from the internet, or from your books, pg. 22)

a) Limestone:

b) Basalt:

c) Marble:

d) Sandstone:

e) Granite:

f) Quartzite: 


We have reviewed the respiratory system. Now it's turn to review the circulatory system, which is well linked to the respiratory system. Pay attention:

1. Which is the main organ of the Circulatory System?


2. In your notebook, define:

a) Arteries:

b) Veins:

c) Capillaries:

(TIP!: You can get help from your books, page 12)

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