viernes, 29 de mayo de 2020

29 de mayo de 2020

¡Buenos días! Por fin llega fin de semana. Vamos hacer un pequeño esfuerzo antes de descansar.
Hoy nos toca matemáticas, sociales y naturales.


We have been working on illnesses. Today we are going to review First Aid. First aid is the help we give an ill or injured person before they get to hospital. Pay attention to this video which will show you what to do in each case.

1. What do you have to do if:
(TIP!: you can get help from your books pg. 23)

a) Someone has burnt their hand:

b) Someone has a big cut:

c) Someone has a broken bone: 


We have seen what the weather means, the instruments to measure weather and weather satellites. Today we will reflect on Environment. Since many decades ago, the human impact on the environment has increased substantially. The climate is changing and one of these effects is the Global warming, due to many reasons. One of these reasons is the Greenhouse effect. Pay attention:

It isn't too late to stop climate change. Watch these tips and see how important what you do for the Planet is:

1. What can we do to stop climate change?
(TIP!: You can have a look at your books pg. 39)





Hoy Chic@s vamos a practicar un poco con lo aprendido el día anterior sobre los relojes y las horas.


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