Buenos días querid@s alumn@s, ya estamos a viernes.
Hoy vamos a realizar actividades de LENGUA, INGLÉS Y CIENCIAS NATURALES.
¡A por ello!
Vamos a seleccionar las ideas principales de un texto
para poder elaborar un esquema.
(Recuerda que si no tienes tu usuario y contraseña puedes
enviarme un email y te lo mando).
2.- EL ADJETIVO. Vamos a recordar lo que son los adjetivos y
sus grados a través del siguiente vídeo de Youtube
Ahora, escribe en tu cuaderno la fecha y haz una lista de 10
adjetivos escribiendo su género y su número.
Te dejo un ejemplo 😉
Aventurera: femenino, singular.
We continue working on jobs. Yesterday we reviewed some, and today we are going to practise with them!
1. Watch this video!
2. Answer these questions in your notebook.
a) What does Steve do first? He is a ....
b) What does Steve do in the second scene?
c) Why does Maggie the Magpie go to hospital?
d) What does Steve really do?
e) What does the girl want to be? (write all the jobs you can!)
f) What dos the boy want to be? (write al the jobs you can!)
Liked these videos? I hope you paid attention ;-)
2. Complete these two excercises IN YOUR NOTEBOOK. Click on the picture to maximise it.
We continue working on jobs. Yesterday we reviewed some, and today we are going to practise with them!
1. Watch this video!
2. Answer these questions in your notebook.
a) What does Steve do first? He is a ....
b) What does Steve do in the second scene?
c) Why does Maggie the Magpie go to hospital?
d) What does Steve really do?
e) What does the girl want to be? (write all the jobs you can!)
f) What dos the boy want to be? (write al the jobs you can!)
Let's have a quick review, PLANTS!.
1.We will watch an introductury video where we will understand the important role plants play in our planet.
Let's now watch a video where the anatomy of plants is analysed.
Liked these videos? I hope you paid attention ;-)
2. Complete these two excercises IN YOUR NOTEBOOK. Click on the picture to maximise it.
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