viernes, 24 de abril de 2020

24 de abril 
¡ Por fin es viernes chic@s! Llega el momento de ese merecido descanso después de trabajar toda la semana.

Hoy nos toca trabajar mate, naturales y sociales


Bueno chic@s  vamos a trabajar con las formas complejas de las medidas trabajadas anteriormente. Esto os tiene que sonar porque lo hicimos igual en la anterior unidad.
Para empezar  vemos los vídeos explicativos.

Una vez vista la explicación aquí os dejo la teoría para que la copiéis en el cuaderno y unos ejercicios para practicar un poco.


Let's context. We are working on FORCES, forces can be CONTACT FORCES and NON CONTACT FORCES. We are inside CONTACT FORCES, and we have worked on FRICTION.

There are more contact forces. Today we will work on PUSH AND PULL forces.

1. Say if these images represent a PULL force or a PUSH force.






We are working on the NEOLITHIC, which is the "The first part" of the STONE age whithin PREHISTORY. Humans were Nomads, they never stayed long in just one place. They lived in caves or basic huts. They used tools and weapons to make life easier. They were also able to use fire. As well, they were artists, they created cave paintings. We can find an example of these caves where they showed their art in Spain, in Cantabria (Cueva de Altamira). Pay attention to this video.

1. What did they paint in these caves?

You all have a nice weekend :-)

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