jueves, 16 de abril de 2020

Jueves 16 de abril

Buenos días. Se acerca el fin de semana. ¡Mucho ánimo! Hoy nos toca MATEMÁTICAS, CIENCIAS SOCIALES e INGLÉS. Además, el viernes tendremos una sesión de MÚSICA.


Buenos día  campeones. Hoy nos toca practicar un poco con las medidas de capacidad. Para ello comenzamos pegando en el cuaderno o copiando la teoría.
Ahora ya practicamos un poquito

Mañana antes de empezar lengua os pongo los resultados para que lo corrijáis antes de enviármelos.
Si tenéis alguna  duda preguntarme.
¡Se que lo vais a hacer genial!


We have studied rivers in depth. Let's now focus on the rivers in Spain. Rivers in Spain flow to the Sea or the Ocean. The DRAINAGE BASIN, or WATERSHED, is the term we can use to classify the rivers into where they empty. They can empty in the MEDITERRANEAN DRAINAGE BASIN, the CANTABRIAN DRAINAGE BASIN and the ATLANTIC DRAINAGE BASIN.

Watch this explanatory video:

1. Write IN YOUR NOTEBOOK which WATER BASIN these river empty.

a) Tajo:

b) Duero:

c) Júcar:

d) Segura:

e) Ebro:

f) Miño:

g) Nalón:

h) Guadalquivir:


We will introduce the PAST SIMPLE with regular verbs. The past simple is the tense used for things that hapened in the past. The auxilirary verb is DID. In affirmative sentences we just have to add ed to a regular verb.

Example: (Verb: work)  Affirmative: Yesterday, I worked at home.
                                       Negative: Yesterday, I did not work at home.
                                       Interrogative: Did I work at home yesterday?

Pay atention to this video:

1. IN YOUR NOTEBOOK, make 1 affirmative sentence for each verb:

example: (Talk): Yesterday, I talked to my mum.
                (Watch): Yesterday, I watched a film on TV.

a) (Play):

b) (Listen):

c) (Jump):

d) (Walk):

e) (Brush my teeth):



1. Mention two materials that are:

a) ELASTIC: Rubber, lycra. (more materials can be correct)

b) INELASTIC: Stone, wood. (more materials can be correct)

c) SOLUBLE: Salt, Suggar. (more materials can be correct)

d) INSOLUBLE: Stone, metal. (more materials can be correct)

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